Along with my guests who are some of the world's most successful entrepreneurs and inspiring change-makers I give you powerful tips and strategies on how to create happiness, well-being, success, and wealth. So that you can be, do and accomplish anything you desire! We cover topics like: - how to get unstuck and follow your biggest dreams - transforming your money mindset to attract abundance - strategies to create a day you love and thriving business - how to heal your relationships and honor your own boundaries ... and much more! My name is Liv - i grew up in a small town in Denmark and i have experienced first hand how mastering your mindset is truly the key to unlocking your best life. I went from battling anxiety, feeling lost, insecure and having no job. Onto building myself up, becoming a serial entrepreneur, strategically build and manifest a super successful coaching business and live a life full of freedom and feeling more amazing than i ever dared to dream.


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